Ceramic Coating

Why Ceramic Coat Your Car?
Ceramic Coating Protection services

A ceramic coating is a liquid polymer made up of long chains of molecules that become cross-linked to form a transparent and protective bond at a molecular level on all car surfaces. When applied to the exterior surface of a vehicle, this liquid polymer is several times thicker than your car's clear coat. It will protect the paint from environmental elements such as UV radiation, acid rain, bird droppings, tree sap, road salt, bug guts, oxidation, and road grime. Ceramic coatings also have hydrophobic properties, which create a water-repellent surface that allows for easier cleaning, washing, and maintenance of a vehicle while eliminating the frequent need for waxing. In the automotive industry, ceramic coating is formulated for various surfaces, such as automotive paintwork, glass, plastic, wheels, suspension, undercarriage, leather, and more. We offer ceramic coating for the paint, wheels, exterior plastic and trim, glass, and leather. The durability of the ceramic coatings we offer ranges from one year to six years.

For more information, pricing accuracy, coverage options, and appointments, click the button below to fill out our service form. One of our technicians will contact you by the end of the business day. Otherwise, give us a phone call.